Friday, September 6, 2024


That's all he is now, to me.


A repetitive, self-absorbed, uncultured, insensitive, evil, invasive, ignorant, venal, third grader with delusions of competence and a desire to be unconditionally loved by everyone.


He no longer deserves a name. In a way, he is the embodiment of every negative characteristic that can be laid upon the heads of men. He believes he is owed allegiance. He believes women are his playthings. He believes that the only important pursuit in the world is wealth. He believes that only he can "right the wrongs" of a society he claims to be "failing."

If we're failing to any degree, it's in not putting him down, once and for all, but now, we have our chance. It is time to crush him, his ego, and the infrastructure of obsequiousness that feeds his delusions. It's time to end the charade. It's time to deal him the fatal blow.

On November 5th, with your vote, and mine, and the votes of family, friends, neighbors, and strangers all over this land, we will finally be rid of him as a political force, because he and his malcontented minions will be crushed at the ballot box. The repudiation will be so vibrant, so powerful, that any hope Conservatives had of claiming the nation to be their plaything will vanish in the vaporous smoke of his ego imploding at the defeat.

Do not be afraid. Do not worry. Simply do your job and VOTE.

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