I posted to Spoutible on January 20th, 2025, shortly after noon, that the American experiment was over and that the nation that had stood for over 200 years was no more.
I think a bit of explanation is in order, because I see people going on and acting as if the act of fighting back or resisting can be wholly accomplished through the means we have always had at our disposal. I'm afraid it's not that simple anymore.
By outward appearances, the Federal government is the same. The same buildings, the same logos, the same mission statements. To look at it, at a glance, is to see nothing different. It's the same way with a large oak that has been in your yard for decades, shading you and projecting durability, is still standing day by day, apparently unchanging, until the storm comes, knocks it down, and realize how hollowed out it had become over time, subject to parasites and rot.
Currently, this is how our Federal government is: the appearance of strength, shot through with rot.
A criminal sits in the Oval Office. He is surrounded by other criminals and "Yes!" men who covet the power and money that they could never gather on their own, leeches attached to malevolent coattails. Already, their path is clear: destroy everything that stands as a symbol of our collective society, liquify it, and pour it into their personal coffers, doing so as they use its assembled power to meet out vengeance and injustice upon those who have "wronged" them or refuse to bow before them.
So, you may wish to sit and think that the nation we have lived in our whole lives still exists, but it does not. It has been subverted. It is being carved up. Every dollar you have put toward the maintenance of freedom and liberty will wind up in the pockets of crooks, liars, and thieves with titles and suits.
If this makes you angry, even irrationally, good. Anger is the first step to burning away the complacency that will keep you from taking the steps that need to be taken to wrest control of the nation back from the criminals. It will not be easy. The end result will not look like freedom and democracy, because, in order to get them back, we are going to have to write them off in their current form. We cannot trust that the systems, the departments, and the bureaucratic machinery of our government will be restorable to working order.
We're going to have to say goodbye to the democracy we know. It will be time to build a new one, one that cannot be so easily subverted or manipulated. To do so, it can't look like the current one. We've seen how easily sixty years of slow Republican corruption destroyed it. Our democracy will have to be rebuilt with all threats in mind, slow and quick. It will have to be built so that every voice is heard. It will have to be built from scratch, on the bedrock of the idea that all Americans are created equal from their first breath, and it can be no other way.
So, take your time, but do not tarry. The forces ravaging our country are hard at work. We will have to be prepared to meet them when the moment comes. It will look a lot more like Lexington and Concord than D-Day. We have to be prepared for moments that will pale in comparison to anything we've known since The Civil War. It seems harsh to say it, but it's true nonetheless. America has changed, and now we must also.