Saturday, October 5, 2024

31 Days

 We are in the final laps of the race. We have focused, we have concentrated, the finish line is in sight. But one small lapse, one mistake, a moment's overconfidence is all it takes to put us into the wall.

I use an auto racing metaphor, because, in essence, that's what this election, above all others, has been. Unlike a horse race, where there is a jockey and a horse and a limited amount anyone else can do during the race, an auto race of most types involves not just the driver and the car, but a pit crew, a strategy team, team principals, and support staff. A lot goes into making a race car go, even when the car is out on the track. There are people monitoring every part of the race, feeding that information to the driver, attempting to put them in the best position to win.

We're thirty-one days out from the most consequential Presidental election... since the last one. And the one before that. The fact is, we've slid into a skid that we are desperately trying to turn into and pull out of. We're trying to maintain control of the race, to bring home a win and seal the trophy for ourselves and our team, America. This race has been tight, it has seen attrition, it has seen wrecks, and it is seeing it's fair share of swapping paint.

I'd love to have political discussions about the future of the country that were not so monopolar, but it really is down to a binary choice right now, of Freedom vs. Fascism. There isn't much more to be said about either major party Presidential candidate. One is clearly deranged, the other clearly determined. One is completely self-centered, the other, completely selfless. One is a convicted criminal, the other convicted criminals. To be honest, talking about policy seems like a detour from the real issue: Who will guard freedom and democracy in America?

I think we all know the answer.

But many don't. Over a hundred million people did not vote in the 2020 Presidential election. The reasons are legion, but at the end of the day, irrelevant, because by not voting, they made their voices heard loud-and-clear: they simply don't care. They've been so beaten down by what they consider "politics," that they have benched themselves, and left the decision making up to others. They chose not to decide, and in doing so, made their choice.

It should come as no surprise that everyone who is a pundit or prognosticator seems bent on proclaiming this race close, but the fact is, not yardstick currently available can measure the true disgust many now have for the convicted criminal running as the Republican nominee. That alone should have caused the vast majority of people to vote every Republican out of office, but their hold remains firm because 100+ million people sit on the sidelines. If even a lousy 3 to 5 percent of them woke up, saw reality, and voted, there would be no doubt who would win on November 5th.

So, now we wait.

We have 31 days to do what little we can, as individuals, and as organizations, to trumpet the cause of freedom and get people to see that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the future we need and want. The checkered flag is in the distance. We cannot allow our concentration to fail.